Sunday, May 9, 2010


When one day you sit down and wonder about the people you had in your life a few years back are no longer a part of your life feel kinda lost about what went wrong ?? how come you are not in touch anymore??
Some of them you feel are on a different frequency ... You and they are now not meant to be in contact... cos of whatever differences you feel you have among each other. With some you realise you have had fights,which were horrendous at that moment ..nothing was more important for you than that issue over which you stopped talking with each other...n now after all these years the reason for the disagreement doesn't exist anymore but you have lost the friend who was one person you probably could not survive widout back then.

1 comment:

Deepak Choudhary said...

Truly said... the moment u remember those past days, its too late. whatever be the reason for separation, be it any kinda misunderstanding or an ego clash but the fact is that you have lost a friend. n the very moment u realize this, u r helpless.
we make several promises, spent precious moments together, share secrets, have party have fun together, but cant say how we forget those moments spent together n choose the path of separation...