Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Gandhi Jayanti.. As it was a national holiday today ..n i am usually enjoying a holiday after every four not that it was a break after a long time but anyways.Well I along with my school friends planned to watch Wake up Sid..!! I was excited about watching Ranbir first day first show.Well for a change I was ready before time and reached like 50 minutes before th start of the show..thats an achievement(.Ask Happy..poor thing has to miss the first 5-10 minutes of the movie everytime we watch a movie together).The one thing I noticed about the crowd today (again as i was before time I got the opportunity to observe people) 1. For a change the crowd was good to look at.2. The guys were wearing white kurtas..their way of celebrating gandhi jayanti... this was a pleasant sight it was only the valentines day where in you would see people wearing all shades of red and pink.
In the course I also got to see a lot of people from school .. it has been four years since I have completed evaluating the change in their appearances was fun again...!!
Anyhow.. we reached the audi was like on 5th 8 where we had to watch this movie.
Talking about the movie... Ranbir is this cute looking laidback,chill dude types college student.The best I liked was his black mac and the alarm he had set on it which would ring after every hour reminding him to study.Any ways life for him went on.. he flunked his final year of graduation,got a shock out of it.. his rich dad wanted him to get serious about life but to no avail...finally in a heated argument Ranbir leaves the house and reaches his friends place ..konkana , new girl in the city who had come to bombay to become a writer.He stays with her ..realises that he had to grow up ,as he felt that konkana wanted him to plus he think it was high time....after a series of events he got a job as a photographer with a local magazine..he earns his first pay cheque ,his place is no more a mess..washes his clothes by himself..and even konkana's.. does everything to prove konkana that he is now a grown up..mature guy .. and be konkana's man not a boy..!!!
anyways.. i guess i have nothing good to write about the movie.. it was a one time watch could have been a great inspiration for the aam janta.. but it failed to do so.

Plus i am sad about how pathetic my writting has become..although it was'nt very appealing ever but atleas I was satisfied with what I write and I knew that i could do better ,but the way things are going am turning out to be a bad writer.

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