Saturday, October 3, 2009

Developmental psychology is one of the subject I am studying in this semester ,it is an interesting subject and is also overrated by the subject teacher..thanks to her, students of our class are usually found reading developmental psychology,hunting books on child development,and talk about conception and stuff all day long.They are very committed for the subject hence are clearing their basics,this is the first time I see students being so interested in the basics of a subject :P I remember dad constantly cribbing over the fact that why children mug up things when they should actually understand the logic behind the simple phenomena being under study.

Well what really was worth appreciating in the whole thing was the process of conception.. thavks to our prof who made it so interesting and beautiful. I was soo intrigued by the fact that how nature takes care of infinite things at one moment. How the union of the two cells determine a life could be anyone's life.How the combination of billions of chromosomes and genes combine to make each of us a unique individual.The combination determine the hair colour, texture,skin type..which we later fret about to be oily or patchy or dry ..comes all from our parents or their parents.. how I wish I could control getting the soft supple skin type of nani and black thick hair of my dad.How every such thing is determined by the nature.and how the society keeps longing for a boy child and keep cursing the mother to give birth to a gurl child which is not under her control neither is responsible for the sex of the child.It is the father who is responsible for the sex of the child..!!!

Anyhow these and many such issues are constant visitors f my thoghts ..!!
I usually fall prey of the complexity my personality possess .. I am intrigued by my ever changing interests and state of mind.At one time I am this very ambitious female who wants to touch the sky .. be one revolutionist who would bring about dramatic changes in how our society functions with respect to bringing up children,how submissive women are,what could be done to make India a powerful nation..etc ,etc..and at other times... I am sitting idle all day long wondering will I ever be able to earn any money for myself..will I ever be able to fulfill my dreams, or the best thought I have after every few days is ..what is it that I really wanna do in life..!! me from the persistent confusion I create around myself to deal with each day!

I so much want to write..but cant really think of any one thing head is so messed up with the plethora of thoughts that are rushing through my head at the moment..!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Gandhi Jayanti.. As it was a national holiday today ..n i am usually enjoying a holiday after every four not that it was a break after a long time but anyways.Well I along with my school friends planned to watch Wake up Sid..!! I was excited about watching Ranbir first day first show.Well for a change I was ready before time and reached like 50 minutes before th start of the show..thats an achievement(.Ask Happy..poor thing has to miss the first 5-10 minutes of the movie everytime we watch a movie together).The one thing I noticed about the crowd today (again as i was before time I got the opportunity to observe people) 1. For a change the crowd was good to look at.2. The guys were wearing white kurtas..their way of celebrating gandhi jayanti... this was a pleasant sight it was only the valentines day where in you would see people wearing all shades of red and pink.
In the course I also got to see a lot of people from school .. it has been four years since I have completed evaluating the change in their appearances was fun again...!!
Anyhow.. we reached the audi was like on 5th 8 where we had to watch this movie.
Talking about the movie... Ranbir is this cute looking laidback,chill dude types college student.The best I liked was his black mac and the alarm he had set on it which would ring after every hour reminding him to study.Any ways life for him went on.. he flunked his final year of graduation,got a shock out of it.. his rich dad wanted him to get serious about life but to no avail...finally in a heated argument Ranbir leaves the house and reaches his friends place ..konkana , new girl in the city who had come to bombay to become a writer.He stays with her ..realises that he had to grow up ,as he felt that konkana wanted him to plus he think it was high time....after a series of events he got a job as a photographer with a local magazine..he earns his first pay cheque ,his place is no more a mess..washes his clothes by himself..and even konkana's.. does everything to prove konkana that he is now a grown up..mature guy .. and be konkana's man not a boy..!!!
anyways.. i guess i have nothing good to write about the movie.. it was a one time watch could have been a great inspiration for the aam janta.. but it failed to do so.

Plus i am sad about how pathetic my writting has become..although it was'nt very appealing ever but atleas I was satisfied with what I write and I knew that i could do better ,but the way things are going am turning out to be a bad writer.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

How many times in our life.. we refrain ourselves from the eternal joy of life just because we feel that the people around us would not really understand or would like us to experience that..!!

How man times you wanted to do something that you had always wanted to do but you didn't coz you had to look after the needs of your family members

How many times you wanted to fall in love with this amazing guy but you couldn't let urslf loose control cos u know that your family wont accept your falling for a guy ..!!

How many times you wanted to fight against the wrong and you don't cos your fight for the right would effect your family ..

Many of us come across situations in our life where we want to satisfy our needs ... our Id comes into action an demands instant gratification but our superego.. every individuals moral police takes over and abstains the Id to satisfy himself..!! 
But for what ..??? Why do we need to curb our desires or wants for others..when we know that satisfying our inner wants isn't makes you a better person..It makes you happy,ecstatic and content.Then why do we first look at our society,our spouse,our parents,our children,grandchildren before we do anything which brings us pure joy..!!!
Why don't we give ourselves the right to enjoy and relish and pamper our own self with the attention,fun and luxuries we would want 2 indulge in.... Why a mother before going for a head massage from a masseur thinks twice about whether she should spend the money getting herself a massage or buy her son a harry potter DVD..!!! I get that we get happiness when our near ones are happy but what about our own happiness?? What about our own wishes?I dont ask you to get selfish self centered and egoist but is it right that you spend your whole life doing things for others,serving others,concerned about their welfare and when you need support no one looks back to one comes forward to hold you when you are falling no one comes stand by your side and say don't worry i am here...!!!
Then is it right to keep neglecting ours elf n stick to "others before self" and at the end have nothing with you ..not even a person you could have been with who had loved you with all his heart just cos it would have been against your morality ,..but did the ultimate reciprocity morality take place in d first place....??

Love yourself before you love others.. treat yourself right before treat others good to yourself before you go out to do good to others.. !!